Thursday, June 28, 2007

I guess there was no way to ask that gently...:)


Well... it's certainly *different*... whether or not it's an improvement (when everything is taken into consideration) appears to be a value judgment. There are also a whole lot of things that are just unknown -- I find the hero-guru system to be a terrible way of getting to the truth of what's really going on.



I'm going to try to be much gentler this time, but isn't there a different kind of corruption when it comes to the blogosphere? well.. the prominent people involved with this (and not just some bad apples, something systemic that distorts the information that reaches the public)?


Jay, again I think they *did* frame it wrong (that they could have done much better in that respect) but I'm wondering if everybody would have gotten more out of the "after matter" if it would have just been *suggested* that they do a follow up article that explores the subject more in depth... instead of telling them just how wrong it all was...(that's done and over with) D.

Jay, this is sounding more and more like beating on a dead horse... If they did a shabby treatment of a worthy subject, why not go into great detail about how it could have been much better? (it seems that that would be a lot more interesting and useful to read) D.


Alright,then! let's do this the easy way: you come across like a sore loser who was pissed that they didn't include you among the interviewees, went out and *asked* them to interview you and then raised hell because it didn't turn out the way you wanted...


P.S. As to my "editing your blog", I was trying to help you out of this vicious circle but... keep spinning around! -- what do *I* care?

P.P.S. As to the other question, that's very serious stuff! and it seems to go way beyond linking or not linking to things... definitely worth talking about!(if we are still in talking terms...) D.


ok, looks like I was wrong (but that's the impression I was getting after seeing you go at it for so long mentioning Mother Jones at every turn) and yes I'm afraid I've reached my tolerance level on the topic...


P.S. I hope you are going to talk about the other issue (corruption of the blogosphere) soon -- I think it would be great if you did a separate article on it... I hope you don't perceive it as "editing your blog," it's just a suggestion and something I'd really like to see... D.

re:"I hope you'll address.... is not editing my blog.

Telling me to halt my examination because it's beyond your tolerance level and go on to something more constructive... that is editing my blog.
I am sure the difference is clear to you."


Again, I didn't "tell you what to do" -- I simply agreed with you that... *I* have personally had enough of this topic the way it has been going (in other words, if this is ALL that's being offered, *I*'m out of here...for *now*...)

But this shouldn't be any problem whatsoever since you've got so many others that are still listening...

As to the other topic, I said I was *hoping* you would talk about it soon, maybe have a separate article on it (so your discussion, with the others, would not be interrupted by this)--I have no idea what could have made you think that I was "telling you to halt your examination" or anything of the kind...


P.S. This is getting a lot more complicated that it needs to be: IF you end-up doing that article on corruption in the blogosphere I'll definitely read it! and could probably participate in a discussion on the topic forever... (well, pretty much...) D.


I'm really tired of this, but I don't want you to be left with the wrong idea, so here's my last comment on this (if this doesn't clarify it, I doubt anything would... so I'm going to have to let it go...):

re:"Jay, this is sounding more and more like beating on a dead horse... If they did a shabby treatment of a worthy subject, why not go into great detail about how it could have been much better? (it seems that that would be a lot more interesting and useful to read) D."
as I already told you, at that point I thought you needed help out of a vicious circle... but even then *I didn't tell you what to do*: I simply told you what it looked like to me and *suggested* a change of focus... while staying on the topic you have chosen (something that would read, at least to me and I assumed I wasn't the only one that saw it that way -- I may have been, I don't know --, more like a dispassionate exploration of the topic and less like bashing Mother Jones to no end).


why *didn't* they link? (as far as you can tell) D.


I think that based on the quality of your blog and especially based on previous history of the issue it is quite normal to expect to be linked to... (not in the sense of feeling *entitled* to get links -- just a logical continuation of what's been going in the past)


P.S. And you may well have been right earlier on when you thought it was curious and it may have something to do with corruption...

re: "About one of your earlier questions, isn't there corruption in the blogosphere we ought to concern ourselves with even if MoJo didn't go a great job in illuminating it... I'm a trifle concerned that this post, criticizing a progressive magazine, has been linked to by Instapundit on the right, Joe Gandelman of The Moderate voice in the center, but not a single link from the left. Fortunately I have the Huffington Post to get it out there, but it is curious."

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