Monday, November 19, 2007

just a place to park some comments... (until I figure out where I reallly want them to be)

is Google omniscient?

STILL MORE: (8th comment)

re: "I still think that from a business perspective the two types of posts are identical to Google."
well... they *shouldn't* be! (they are of very unequal value; so what if they are just as easy to track algorithmically? that's just a means to an end...)


P.S. ah, the time when I had no idea how it really worked:)... (not that I know a whole lot right now, but still...); they say if you like sausage, it's better if you don't know how it's made... (seems to apply to a whole lot of other things) D.

EVEN MORE (6th comment):

if the problem is being big, wouldn't a host of small groups solve the problem? (you could cumulatively have significant impact without being detected)

how many Google employees are A-listers? (probably not that many and they could be "kept out of the loop" if you could track down their Google affiliation)

it's the A-bloggers that are really the problem, aren't they? I mean, a link from them is worth something -- what good is a link from somebody nobody's heard of? it may look like "activity" but it's really just meaningless noise, isn't it? D.

MORE: (4th comment) Seth: really? that's odd... Google is not exactly omniscient or... is it? :) You'd think they could set-up a "link market" Google couldn't infiltrate... D.
Seth, (2nd comments)

I'm wondering how much completely unacknowledged money changes hands. I mean, as long as the blogger *says* this is a sponsor or whatever, Google could potentially account for that... (I would hope it would get to that level of sophistication at some point, I'm sort of disappointed after listening to your description of how it really works -- seems rudimentary...)


P.S. if the blogger just links and says something like: hey, check it out! this is good! I like this! wraps it in relevant commentary and just "forgets" that he/she got paid by those people -- there is no way of accounting for that, as far as I can see... D.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Alright! this blog has come to an end... Thanks to those who have followed it!

MORE: I'm it the process of getting it together the way I would go over an album to make sure it had the things I wanted in it... before putting it up in the attic :) (it's probably going to take me a couple of days: a lot of entries are in draft form at this point) D.

what would I have done different if I got to do it all over again: I would have taken Fabrice up on this (I would have at least given him the chance to clarify the long term financial plans for his project like I did with Jay-- I wouldn't have wanted to help with anything that was just going to turn for profit down the road and I didn't think it was clarified on the site)


P.S. still, I don't really have regrets -- this was my first blog and I learned a lot -- and it was still fun (most of the time...); interesting and important topic! (may well do a "second edition", latter on: different people, different projects)

P.P.S oh... and I would have listened to Seth more... D.

Bye bye to Jay (maybe last time?)

EVEN MORE: lesson: have your comment -- and the full path to it -- on your OWN blog also... always...)

my post: No Jay, I'm afraid I won't see you around -- you have excellent projects but you are just a nightmare to deal with as a person. Good luck with your projects! D.

I just didn't think Jay would do this but I guess it matters little at this point... (the comment *posted* in the morning so I though..."ok, I'm done with this..."; didn't check for a possible response until much later in the day -- I was just going to make sure he didn't post anything I needed to address...

seems cowardish to me... -- I mean, my parting post was both honest and well meaning (under the circumstances...)

I would have thought he would have had the decency to leave it posted... Oh, well... as I was saying... doesn't matter at this point... D.

MORE: yes, last time...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

no "community" for NewAssignment?

MORE: looks like Jay's got much more serious issues to deal with... oh, well -- as always, I hope he succeeds but I think it's a big mistake to not even attempt to provide some sort of continuity and keep the people after you got them interested...